Tech Essentials for Parents

How to make wise, informed technology choices as Christian parents in a world of digital risks.

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Do you know how to protect you and your family online?

Do you know what your kids have seen online?

Do you know who they're interacting with virtually and what they're doing?

Are you sure technology is not harming you and your family?

If you did not answer "Yes!" to each of those questions - then this course is for you!

Here you'll learn:

o How to make wise, informed technology choices as Christian parents.

o To think more biblically about technology in the home.

o To challenge the cultural ideas about technology - be different!

o To navigate the hazards without rejecting technology.

Why is Parent Reform offering this course?

We've been teaching parenting classes and mentoring parents for years, but recently it occurred to me that we weren’t speaking to one of the most significant challenges modern parents are facing – technology in the home. And with my technology background and security knowledge – it seemed natural to put the two together technology and security (lots out there on this already) BUT from a Christian parenting perspective (not a lot out there today on that).

In this connected and tech saturated world – it has become absolutely crucial that parents are aware of both the benefits but also the threats and risks technology brings. It seemed clear there was a gap and that we could develop a course to fill it. To test the interest we decided to insert a small module into our course for parents of older children that would specifically address technology as it relates to parenting.

Though it was not at all an in depth presentation-it turned out to be one of our most engaging sessions. There was so much enthusiasm for the topic with lots of urgent discussions and there were so many great questions asked that we knew right away this needed to become a course all on its own.

Well, after beginning to develop the course I quickly realized this topic was way too large for a single course. So we decided to create two courses – one, an essentials course and the other, an in-depth course.

The Essentials Course you are about to watch will provide you the background, motivation, and guidance necessary to begin making wise, informed technology choices as Christian parents. When I say ‘informed’, I don't simply mean being technically informed, though that's important, instead I hope to also equip and encourage parents to think about technology, biblically.

With my technical subject matter knowledge, coupled with a passion for seeing parents succeed, we’ve developed this Essentials course to be relevant, and biblically balanced. It’s also meant to be consistent with our other teachings on marriage and parenting.

I know this essentials course will serve to not only increase your awareness but also practically prepare and equip you to successfully navigate the hazards of technology without having to reject it out of hand.


Your Instructor

Warren Robbins
Warren Robbins

Warren and his wife, Mary, are the founders of Parent Reform where their mission is to help equip and encourage Christian parents to raise their children for the glory of God.

Before founding Parent Reform, Warren had a long and successful career in the software development field. The last 10 years of his career focused specifically on building security software – the type of software that’s designed to keep corporate computers safe from hackers and bad guys.

As a Distinguished Engineer working for a large, well known tech company, Warren was personally responsible for directing security strategies for one of the most challenging technologies from a security point of view. He really enjoyed that job and certainly had a passion for that work, but his passion for helping Christian parents in these challenging days was far greater. That’s why he and Mary started Parent Reform.

Warren holds multiple US patents (approved and pending) related to computer security software.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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